Corporate Transparency Act Solutions
Multiple Entities
Simple or Complex Ownership
For multiple entities with simple or complex ownership select a meeting time with a CTA specialist. Includes bulk onboarding and volume based pricing.
Single Entity
Complex Ownership / Updates
For single entities with multiple owners or frequent updates, we can load your information, create a SingleFile account and send you an invitation to the platform
Single Entity
Simple Ownership
For single entities with with simple ownership and limited updates, we suggest filing directly with FinCEN. It is simple for straight forward reports and its free.
What you need to know...
Beneficial Owner Information
What Beneficial Owner Information is Needed
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for each Beneficial Owners
Name: The individual's legal name
Email: The individual's email address
Date of birth: The individual's date of birth
Address: The individual's home address, or business address
ID number: A unique identifying number from a driver's license, passport, or state ID
Issuing jurisdiction: The name of the jurisdiction that issued the identifying document
Image of document: An image of the document that shows the identifying number​
FinCEN ID instead of PII
To get FinCEN ID, click HERE
Log into LOGIN.GOV (or create account)
Add requested information
Select the certification and click SUBMIT
Company Applicant Information
What Company Applicant Information is Needed
​Company Applicant Information is required for any entity formed in 2024. The Company Applicant is the person that directed the creation of the entity (many times the attorney) AND the person that filed the formation documents with the jurisdictional authorities (many times an individual of the filing company). Most Company Applicants will have a FinCEN ID.
Name of Company Applicant (s)
Email of Company Applicant (s)
FinCEN ID of Company Applicant (s)
Reporting Company Information
What Information is Needed
Reporting Company (Entity) Information that is required
Legal name: Name of entity or DBA
Entity type: LLC for example
Entity address: Address associated with entity
Primary Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction where entity was formed
Tax ID number: Usually EIN or social security number
Type of Tax ID: EIN, ITIN, or SSN
SingleFile Contact Information
SingleFile Contact Information
​​How to Contact SingleFile